Does your mind yearn to understand the role of religion in our modern society? Do you believe that there should be a clear line between church and state and that we should progress towards a truly secular society? Are you interested in having more discussions like this?

If so….

Free[SAY] is a campus group based out of Toronto Ontario that meets regularly at York University. If you are interested in attending one of our weekly meetings, please feel free to join us. Meetings are open to the public and we welcome individuals of both secular and theist perspectives.

There are no weekly meetings for the summer. Meeting times for the 2014 – 2015 year will depend on member availability, and will be assessed by a poll on our Facebook page.

York University
4700 Keele St
Toronto ON
M3J 1P3

If you like what you see here, feel free to join our Facebook group (click link or search FreeSAY: Freethinkers, Skeptics and Atheists at York) where we have a very active discussion group. Additionally, if you have any questions regarding our group or the content posted, please feel free to email us at freesay@yorku.ca

4 thoughts on “WEEKLY MEETINGS

  1. Question: so what actually happens at the meetings? Its Thursday now and I won’t be around next Wednesday, so I was just curious since I won’t be able to stop by a meeting for a couple weeks.


    • At the meetings we usually have a predetermined question or theme that we will talk about, in a casual, friendly setting. Subjects we might speak of are human rights, politics, hot topics in the news, philosophical questions, controversial subjects, ideas about religion or secularism. After the discussion we have a bar social. It’s quite fun. 🙂 Hope you can make it out soon, or try and come out to our upcoming events in March!

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